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the ask. build out a landing page and then website that can help support google ads for this set of weight management systems.
deliverables. website, branding, photography, ad & email campaign
At It Works! I was part of a team that was in charge of building out a digital marketing campaign to attract new customers and sell our new 14 Easy weight management system. This was the first time we were trying digital ads to convert customers, so we had a blank slate to start from.
Initial concepting started around the idea that everyone probably has a friend who isn’t fitting as well into the jeans they loved before 2020 (dun dun dunnnn). With a bundle of specific weight management products, we could help get people back to feeling confident in their own skin.
The initial pilot focused on our products and solving the problems that everyday women have. A single landing was built to target three areas; weight management, skincare, and nutrition, each having their own specific product system.
Our three targeting landing pages.
The second phase keyed in on weight management and fitting back into 2020 jeans. Photography focused on women feeling comfortable and content in their jeans. A shopify site was built to host a variety of additional 14 Easy Systems and single products.
One of our adsets